Posts Tagged ‘Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy’

Tedd Koren DC: KST Case Of The Week

Every day the Koren Specific Technique Forum gets wonderful stories about doctors’ experiences with KST. This one was recently posted by Dr. Mark Lynch who practices in the wilds of New Jersey. Please note that Dr. Lynch appreciates that it’s not just knowing what to adjust or correct, but the order that the subluxations need…

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Natural Immunity From Breast-feeding

Mothers give their babies immunity to viral illnesses through breast milk and if a baby is sick the mother produces much more immune cells for the baby. In one study the breast milk of mothers with sick babies had a four- to five-fold increase in the total number of white blood cells – which help…

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Tedd Koren DC On Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

For many decades chiropractic care has been a blessing to pregnant women. Chiropractic has become the drug-free, natural, safe and effective approach to the fatigue, stress, exhaustion and pain (especially in the back, hip and pubic area) that sometimes occur in the later months of pregnancy. (1-4) In addition to making pregnancy much more com-…

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