Posts Tagged ‘KST’
Sternum at lunch
The stories a sternum can tell. The other day I was invited to speak at a local chiropractic meeting. I was given a free lunch (it wasn’t so bad) and I got to meet a bunch of people. So one of the MRI sales guys there asked me to check him. First priority, sternum. 2nd…
Like a Fish to Water: The Power of KST
Here are some examples of the power of KST. Enjoy the stories. Fish to water I had a patient say to me: “Something just told me to come here.” She had never heard of us, but her other chiropractor was out of town and uses…um, well, let’s just say a “lesser” technique (her words). She…
There are only two chiropractic techniques
There are only two chiropractic techniques. “What? You ask, aren’t there nearly one hundred?” Well, yes – there are many “named” techniques or methods of locating and/or correcting subluxations – but if we consider the philosophy behind techniques we will discover that they all fall into one of two philosophical categories. All techniques are either…
KST videos
Happy New Year. This will be a great year – it’ll be a steady, gradual, ever upward kind of year in which we’ll get wise and stronger. I feel it. Of course if you’re a Mayan you may be a little nervous since the Mayan calendar supposedly says the world will come to an end…
Koren Specific Technique In Action
San Francisco KST (Koren Specific Technique) Seminar – The Miracles Continue
I left my heart in…well you know the song. But SF was really great. It was an eclectic group of creative doctors who came for a powerful reason – to get the kind of miracles DD and BJ Palmer wrote about – and MORE! What more? They also came to be healed. So many chiropractors…
KST Blues
Here is a video from the Koren Specific Technique Seminar that took place this past week in SF. This is a song written and performed by Gurutrang Khalsa D.C. called the KST Blues.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and KST
The following is a letter we recently received about the amazing results of Koren Specific Technique on a very sensitive issue that confronts many men, erectile dysfunction: I am a chiropractor who went thru a pretty nasty divorce a few years ago. Since then I’ve had a roller coaster ride with being able to obtain/maintain…
Chiropractic Technique Research
Tedd Koren DC shares his views in the following blog. Tedd Koren DC is founder of Koren Publications andKoren Specific technique A doctor wrote to me with this request: “Could you do an article comparing high and low velocity adjustment techniques, Please?” Richard. (For those of you who don’t know, this is a fancy way…