Posts Tagged ‘Swine Flu Vaccine’

Special Flu Shot Report: Part #1

“Here come the fear mongers…just in time for the flu vaccine marketing season…. Fear is used to persuade Americans to roll up their sleeves and hand over their children to be vaccinated. Years ago, people developed resistance the old fashioned way: By getting the flu. And then when that type of flu came around again…

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Real Health Care Reform – Safer Vaccines?

Parents, politicians and organizations are now questioning vaccination safety to an extent we’ve never seen before. “We’re not anti-vaccine, we just want safer vaccines,” they say. They are discussing “splitting up” the vaccine schedule so children get less shots on one visit and making vaccines “green” which I guess means taking the mercury out of…

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Flu Trackers or Fluke Trackers?

The article in the Washington Post reads: Flu Trackers Encourage Patients to Blog About It (Washington Post. Wednesday, September 2, 2009) begins like this: “Think you have the flu? In some places, you can now go directly to the Internet and report your symptoms to officials eager to spot outbreaks.” Why should this worry me? Let…

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A Pox On My House

We went to a chicken pox party a few weeks ago. This is how it works: someone’s child has chicken pox and they invite people to bring their kids. The idea is for the children to get it now instead of when they’re older and the disease can be much more uncomfortable and dangerous. We…

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Finally, Some Good Swine Flu News

Parents and healthcare workers may refuse to get immunized or vaccinate their children against a pandemic virus if they believe the risks of a novel vaccine outweigh the benefits, according to research published in Emerging Health Threats Journal. Parents known to favor ‘alternative medicine’ were particularly opposed to vaccination-but even healthcare workers would be reluctant…

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Predicting Swine Flu Deaths: A Lesson In Insanity

The headline from USA Today August 25th, 2009 is FLU COULD INFECT HALF OF USA 90,000 deaths, 2 million patients possible (see here for the rest of the article) This report released by the White House is further proof that people who work for the government take drugs – lots of them.  I wish they’d…

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Breaking News: The Fight Against Mandatory Vaccinations

It’s started.  Here is our attack against the vaccine monolith.  This is the beginning.  Here is the press release : Three attorneys and several health freedom organizations have just filed a petition with the FDA to challenge the licensing of pan flu vaccines. This approach bypasses the flaws of other legal action approaches (injunctions, etc.),…

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Tedd Koren DC: Important Flu Facts

Swine flu – remember this… n The swine flu is no worse than a mild flu n The majority of those who get swine flu recover from it without medical care. n There are cases of children coming down with the “flu” a week or two after they’ve been vaccinated. Please avoid vaccinations for your…

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