Posts Tagged ‘Tedd Koren DC’
Health Care Legislation Concerns
Koren Publications’ forthcoming Myth-Busting Swine Flu Report written by Tedd Koren DC, will discuss more swine flu issues. See here for other vaccination learning materials. Should we be concerned? Sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (P. 838)) (Obamacare) says that government agents will “visit” homes to ensure we’re raising our kids properly. Families…
Tedd Koren DC On Chiropractic and Medicine
Tedd Koren DC shares his views on health in the following blog. Tedd Koren DC is founder of Koren Publications and Koren Specific Technique Marsh Morrison, DC gave a talk at Sherman College when IO was a student. I still remember it. He described a debate he had with an MD. The MD attacked: “Medicine…
Is The Swine Flu Vaccinination Safe? – Tedd Koren DC
The following blog is an excerpt from Koren Publications’ forthcoming Myth-Busting Swine Flu Report, written by Tedd Koren DC. Also, see here for other vaccination learning materials. Here’s another reason not to get the swine flu shot: The swine flu vaccine is poorly tested. Novartis (company manufacturing the vaccine) spokesman Eric Althoff told The Associated…
Tedd Koren DC On Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
For many decades chiropractic care has been a blessing to pregnant women. Chiropractic has become the drug-free, natural, safe and effective approach to the fatigue, stress, exhaustion and pain (especially in the back, hip and pubic area) that sometimes occur in the later months of pregnancy. (1-4) In addition to making pregnancy much more com-…
Chiropractic Studies– We Need More Like This One
Tedd Koren DC shares his views on health in the following blog. Tedd Koren DC is founder of Koren Publications and Koren Specific technique. Just a quick thought: In an outcome study of nearly 3,000 chiropractic patients looking for what chiropractic can do – the following was concluded: “Patients report significant positive changes in physical…
Tedd Koren, DC On Healing
Tedd Koren DC shares his views on health in the following blog. Tedd Koren DC is founder of Koren Publications and Koren Specific technique. One approach is the Mechanistic or medical approach. This approach sees symptoms as bad things that need to be eliminated. Got a fever? Take an aspirin. Got pain – here’s a…
Tedd Koren, DC Defends Organic Food
Here’s my response to the article by Reuters (see here and here) reporting that organic food has no nutritional benefit of conventional food:In a word (well, two): junk science. Continuing in the tradition of cigarette company scientists “proving” cigarettes don’t cause cancer or heart disease I find the above dumb, dumber and dumberer study that…
Organic Food: No Better Than Conventional?
News flash: Organic food is no better for you than non-organic food. See it here for this “amazing” revelation. Well, if you’re like me, you find this claim very dubious, at the least. Let’s look at some of this article before we hear Tedd Koren’s comments on this subject. LONDON (Reuters) – Organic food has…
Thoracic Hump
We’ve been receiving a lot of interest over here at Koren Enterprises about the thoracic hump. For those who are unfamiliar, the upper thoracic hump, related to heart, lung and thyroid problems. I’m happy to say that I’ve had many cases where issues with the thoracic hump can be fixed with KST – sometimes in…