Posts Tagged ‘vaccination safety’
Political Healthcare
“WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama says that while swine flu vaccine will be voluntary, the government will “strongly recommend” that people get it.” Remember when politics and medical stuff was separate? I don’t.
South Hemisphere Swine Flu
This just in – so the Southern Hemisphere did not experience great numbers of deaths from the swine flu. As expected it was mild in most peple. Why would we think the Northern Hemisphere should have any different experience? Another question – we must ask how the young people who died were treated. Were the…
Finally, Some Good Swine Flu News
Parents and healthcare workers may refuse to get immunized or vaccinate their children against a pandemic virus if they believe the risks of a novel vaccine outweigh the benefits, according to research published in Emerging Health Threats Journal. Parents known to favor ‘alternative medicine’ were particularly opposed to vaccination-but even healthcare workers would be reluctant…
Is The Swine Flu Vaccinination Safe? – Tedd Koren DC
The following blog is an excerpt from Koren Publications’ forthcoming Myth-Busting Swine Flu Report, written by Tedd Koren DC. Also, see here for other vaccination learning materials. Here’s another reason not to get the swine flu shot: The swine flu vaccine is poorly tested. Novartis (company manufacturing the vaccine) spokesman Eric Althoff told The Associated…