Posts Tagged ‘vaccines’

Vaccinating Your Children Can Affect Your Grandchildren

Say No To Vaccinating Your Children

Want to have healthy grandchildren tomorrow? Don’t vaccinate your child today. During my talks on vaccination, I’ll ask the audience, “Why are they called childhood diseases?” People wonder if it’s a trick question. It isn’t. We call them childhood diseases because you usually get them during childhood. That’s why they aren’t called newborn or infant…

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John Oliver, You’re Wrong on Vaccines

John Oliver's rant on vaccines

Hard hitting, cutting edge, humorously deflating the pompous special interests, giving us badly needed information that the regular media outlets do not, John Oliver, your June 25th, 2017 rant on vaccines was none of those things. Instead, you told us all to go back to sleep: “Don’t question, do as you are told folks, all…

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