Koren Wellness Articles

Family Chiropractic Care

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woman with headache who needs a chiropractic adjustment

Striking A Nerve

Finding chiropractic It was in the late 40’s when my mother and grandmother first met Dr. Friedland, Doctor of Chiropractic. They were shopping in a department store in Brooklyn. Suddenly my mother stopped, unable to move. A massive headache came out of nowhere. Her eyes were closed, she couldn’t move, wracked in pain. “My daughter…

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Discovering Chiropractic

Hello, Pain Control Center – Discovering Chiropractic “Hello, pain control center.” “Yes, I’m calling for my father.” “Would he like to make an appointment?” “Yes, my father had an accident and feels that you might be able to help him.” “What kind of accident?” “He says that he was bent down in a stooped position…

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Chiropractic & Mental Health

Chiropractic & Mental Health: The Story of Jeff I had just opened my first office on a shoe string and was having my starvation period. I lectured to everyone, gave out cards on the street, advertised as much as I could afford and ever so slowly my practice began to grow. At this point, mental…

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Koren Specific Technique (KST) In The News!

Ignore Jim Gardner at the end, he is obviously in need of a major KST adjustment by Dr. Koren. Though we have no evidence that KST can cure a terrible sense of humor:) The results of the patients speak for themselves.

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Koren Comments

I have a similar problem to Kirsten under c7 I am flatterned out. I also have a spiral twist that slightly goes off to the right side. I was born with L4 the same shape as L5 and possibly attached to L5..strange I know. I have had a slight upper thoracic hump from the age…

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Lecture at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

I was invited to give a presentation on chiropractic at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.  My talk at Grand Rounds is here . I discussed chiropractic history, research, clinical findings and get into the controlled clinical trial.  Please let me know what you think of it.

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