Koren Wellness Articles

Chiropractic Healing

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KST: Discovering What Most Doctors Miss

KST: a snapshot or a movie? What’s the difference between a snapshot and a movie? A snapshot records a moment frozen in time while a movie records a continuous flow of time. Here is a little personal story that shows how this relates to healthcare and KST. We were traveling from Philadelphia to Williamsburg, Virginia…

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Posture-Personality Correlations

Posture-personality correlations: emotional profiling As discussed in my previous post on spinal stress, posture reveals emotional stress as well as physical stress. Posture-personality correlations exist. My mentor, Dr. Lowell Ward, discovered that it was possible to accurately “read” a personality by analyzing a person’s posture. For example, a person with their head in front of…

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spinal stress

Spinal Stress: What It Can Tell You

Spinal stress: an accidental discovery The spinal stress story started in an unlikely place, in Middletown, Pennsylvania. After graduation, I worked for Monroe Schneier, DC in Middletown for a total of one week. I liked Dr. Schneier but didn’t like Middletown. Shortly after I left it was the site of a partial nuclear reactor meltdown…

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sharing healing secrets

Healing Secrets: Five Ancient Ones Most Healers Don’t Use

I’m revealing these healing secrets because … Much of modern medicine is expensive, ineffective, unnecessary, dangerous and suppressive (drives symptoms and stresses deeper). Those are some of the reasons why natural healing is gaining in popularity—it is safer, less expensive, more effective, and expressive (lets the body release its stresses and symptoms). Illich I. Medical…

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woman with headache who needs a chiropractic adjustment

Striking A Nerve

Finding chiropractic It was in the late 40’s when my mother and grandmother first met Dr. Friedland, Doctor of Chiropractic. They were shopping in a department store in Brooklyn. Suddenly my mother stopped, unable to move. A massive headache came out of nowhere. Her eyes were closed, she couldn’t move, wracked in pain. “My daughter…

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weighing back surgery or ?

Back Surgery, Discs and Medical Bias

Back Surgery, Discs & Medical Bias: In Bed with My Patient Back surgery? The call I got a call from someone who sounded terrible. “Doctor Koren, I’m in agony. A few days ago, I was out golfing with my family and something went out in my back. I’ve been in bed for days. Yesterday I was…

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