KST: a snapshot or a movie?
What’s the difference between a snapshot and a movie? A snapshot records a moment frozen in time while a movie records a continuous flow of time. Here is a little personal story that shows how this relates to healthcare and KST.
We were traveling from Philadelphia to Williamsburg, Virginia when I started getting a serious pain in my right TMJ. It got worse and worse until I couldn’t open my mouth to eat or drink. I could barely speak. Using a straw was my only nourishment. I was suffering.
I could only walk because if I tried to run the force of my pounding footsteps radiated up to my TMJ causing intense jaw pain. “Wow, this is fascinating how my footsteps are connected to my jaw,” I thought (between bouts of agony).
Things were pretty bad and I was desperate. My dentist was hundreds of miles away as was his office. He was useless here. As one dentist told me in truthful jest, “Without my tools, I’m just an ordinary man.” A house call was out of the question. I didn’t like the idea of seeing a strange dentist, especially if he wasn’t holistic or biologic.
A thought came to mind. A homeopath once told me, “Homeopathy has a remedy for everything.”
“Everything?” I asked.
“Everything,” she said.
OK, let’s see. I called a homeopath I worked with in the past and told her about my problem. She said, “There’s a great remedy for dental pain, inflammation and infections as you describe. It’ll let your body reabsorb the swelling; I’ll have it sent overnight to your hotel.”
The package arrived the next morning. I took the remedy, the little pellets, right before we started driving home. Soon I began to hear “crackling” sounds in my jaw. Within a half-hour, I could open my mouth. The swelling was going down. The pain intensity was lessening.
Visit to the dentist
After we got home I went to my holistic dentist (the only type of dentist I recommend). He took a pan-x (panoramic X-ray). A pan-x is able to show the entire upper and lower jaws in one view. He said, “Yes, I see a pocket of inflammation and what looks like swelling by your wisdom tooth near your TMJ. We can schedule a visit so I can open the area, irrigate it and clean it out.” In other words, a surgical procedure.
“I know there is something there,” I told him, “but how do you know the pocket is getting worse or getting better? Especially since my jaw symptoms have eased up?” I asked.
Imagine a deer in headlights. No one had ever asked him that before. He was honest and said that he really didn’t know. That’s the point of this story—an X-ray, MRI, CT scan, lab work, etc. are snapshots. They are measurements of the patient in that moment in time, in that posture, in that frame of mind.
That frozen moment doesn’t tell you if a patient is getting better or worse or if that posture is ideal to reveal the damage.
KST is a movie
In contrast, the system known as Koren Specific Technique (KST) is a movie not a snapshot. Let me explain. It all has to do with using the doctor’s ability to communicate with the patient’s body.
This is how it works. We begin by assessing the patient, first determining that we can help them. We ask, “Is there a priority?” That implies safety (permission to continue) and ability to help.
Discover the ideal POS
After we get a “green light” we have permission to continue. First, we need to discover the ideal posture the patient needs to be in that will reveal their subluxations. Here are some of the most common postures that reveal subluxation presence and damage (we call it the POS—posture of subluxation):
sitting (the most common)
- standing (also very common)
- moving
- holding a certain position
- recapitulating the position they were injured in
- thinking about the injury
- thinking about an emotional trauma
- laying face up, face down (not a common position to work on a patient—surprised?)
The patient is now analyzed in the POS. This is the key to finding secret subluxations—subluxations that are not revealed as a person lies face up or face down—the common positions doctors put patients in. KST frees practitioners from the tyranny of the table.
What’s next with KST?
Now the primary subluxation is addressed first. Is it the most important subluxation? Maybe not. It may be that the body wishes you to clean up some areas first, release some superficial stress before the major subluxation appears.
Here’s the movie
After the first correction, adjustment or intervention is performed we go back to square one and ask the original question: “Is there another POS? Is there another priority?” In other words, is there something the body wants done now that the prior correction was made.
Wait to integrate—don’t over-correct
Sometimes the body doesn’t want you to go ahead. You must wait. The body needs to integrate the work. That is important because the body can only handle so much input at one time. “Over-adjusting” can actually interfere with healing.
Why is this important?
After each correction, we ask again for the next posture and priority. “What does the body want now?” It’s constant biofeedback. It’s a movie, not a snapshot.
Why is this important? Imagine you correct an area on a patient and they break into tears. After they cry don’t they have a different body? Different body/mind? Different subluxations? Perhaps deeper subluxations are now revealed that need correction? The answer is often, “Yes.”
KST: dancing with our patients
KST practitioners are taught to “dance with their patient—and always keep in mind that the patient is leading.” That’s the basis of KST and the use of body biofeedback (the OD)—always asking. As we ask, we go deeper. We watch the layers release. We find what’s next.
I didn’t expect the money
When I first started teaching KST I told practitioners they will find the subluxations, blockages, interferences, etc. that everyone else missed. But I wasn’t thinking about money. My head was into clinical success.
But doctors reminded me about it right away. The “side effect” of this unique service was their practices started growing immediately after using KST with their patients. Referrals began right away but what really surprised me was the growth. One doctor told me that his practice quadrupled and then quintupled since KST.
Not everybody quintuples
OK, I admit some said KST only increased their practices four times, and for some, it only doubled (but many had only begun to use it).
This is no accident. You’ll be happier and healthier using KST—because you’ll be able to locate and correct subluxations on yourself that you never could before. Subluxations you never knew you had. It’s no exaggeration—KST saves lives.
Sick and suffering chiropractors

Before KST
Another reason you’ll be healthier (in addition to caring for yourself) is because KST is gentle—on you and your patients. So many chiropractors are in pain and suffering after years of manual care. Some are forced to retire from practice. That is why liability insurance rates for DCs are higher than for other professionals.

After KST
And it’s been known for years—for every patient that loves a “good crack” twenty are staying away. Come to a KST seminar—if you don’t benefit, if it’s not everything we say it is, just tell us the second day and we’ll refund your seminar fee.
Feedback from KST practitioners
Just had my busiest day in months. This stuff is for real. Having more fun using KST than ever! In 35 years of practice. Tom Close, DC, Monument, Colorado
KST is the best chiropractic seminar I ever attended in 39 years. KST follows chiropractic philosophy A1. Fredy D. Hunziker, DC, Bellingham, Washington
This is my best year ever in chiropractic. Thanks to KST I’m booked solid for months. Patients love this. Jens Korgaard, DC, Newington, Connecticut
On Monday morning, I started using KST. Patients love it. Numerous patients tell my front desk person how well they like “the new method”. One patient even stopped by the office a few days later to say she hasn’t felt this good in years. They are becoming the testimonials that previously seemed so amazing. I love it. Rick Schwartz, DC, Eugene, Oregon
I started using it on every patient. My new patients (I had two) on Monday after KST said, “I’m glad you don’t use the cracking” and “that was easy.” This method will show me the way the body wants to remove the interference in priority. Makes so much sense to me to speed up the healing process. I am so glad I attended this past weekend. Raymond Alexander, DC, Lawrenceville, Georgia
My practice is soo busy that I might have to even open up another day…my entire day is booked. You guys really removed my major blockages such as related to financial, family, cultural blockages. I have not even done any direct marketing…I am just getting referrals after referrals. Rogini Thirukkumaran, DC, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I began implementing KST with nearly every patient, sometimes as the only technique and sometimes complementary to my previous technique. Two patients had immediate relief from migraines…one described a sense of “euphoria and well-being” after the adjustment. I’m excited to continue the journey! Daniel Atkin, DC, Holly Springs, North Carolina
And more KST testimonials…
I owe my successful practice to you! I don’t need to advertise anymore like I used to before KST. All mouth-to-mouth referrals. The last few months I went from 20 to 30 and now 40 to 50 patients each day. The phone hasn’t stopped ringing! You made my holiday in Ibiza possible, I can afford to go on really nice trips now and live the lifestyle I have always wanted! Sander Eenink, DC, Oegstgeest, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
First patient Monday after the seminar: I was going to refer for him for physical therapy because 1½ months of progressive shoulder pain was not resolving. 1½ minutes KST he was totally pain free with full range of motion. Steve Ronco, DC, San Diego, California
I’m having more fun in my practice than I would have believed possible only a few short years ago. I wake up curious and I’m never disappointed. Donna-Grace Noyes, DC, Sonoma, California
One of the best things in my practice is the increased laughter! Tanja Brandt-Murphy, DC, Gisborne & Hawkes Bay, New Zealand
I am busier than ever, and I love practice all over again, even after 23 years. Jacqui Cole, DC, Corpus Christi, Texas
KST is an amazing ride! The change in my office has been profound!!! 50 new patients in 2½ months. Incredible results. Kevin Ross, DC, Tempe, Arizona
KST Transformation Triple-Play Available!
3 programs in one
- KST Basic Home Study Program. Learn KST in the privacy of your home or office. Includes manual, videos, online materials.
- Voucher to attend a live in-person seminar within 12-months of purchase.
- Year of access to KST TV. Watch a professionally recorded complete seminar weekend in the comfort of your home or office.
This is the best way to learn KST. Study at your own pace while watching KST TV and then come to a live seminar to get all your questions answered.
For a limited time, SAVE $300!
I received the KST Home Study program this week. Patients are taking to it like a fish to water. This work is the absolute best I have ever come across. Many technique seminars don’t change our practices to any great extent. KST is changing my practice, my patients, and my life! Tommy Garrett, DC, Flowood, Mississippi
For more information and to register,
visit https://seminars.korenspecifictechnique.com/tpf-2019-triple-play-yes/
or call 267-498-0071 (US East Coast).
Tedd Koren, DC discovered Koren Specific Technique, a breakthrough in healthcare, after dozens of doctors were unable to help him. For more information on KST or to register for an upcoming seminar, go to www.korenspecifictechnique.com or call 267-498-0071 (US East Coast).
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Dr. Tedd Koren
Dr. Koren, originally from Brooklyn, NY, lives in Montgomery County, PA. A graduate of the U of Miami and Sherman College of Chiropractic, he writes, lectures and teaches in the US, Europe and Australia as well as takes care of patients and fights for healthcare freedom. Dr. Koren and his wife Beth have two children.