Koren Wellness Articles
Back to blogPTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD: a plethora of symptoms Flashbacks, being haunted by uncomfortable dreams and thoughts, a racing heart, tightness in the chest, mood swings—these are only some of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. As the name implies, PTSD develops after someone has experienced a trauma be it physical, sexual or emotional assault that filled…
Chronic Illness: Allergies, Dyslexia,
Addictions and Weight Loss
“A whack on the side of the head, a kick in the seat of your pants.” Over half of all Americans suffer from a chronic illness; people are suffering all the time with illnesses that never go away (that’s a definition of chronic). The costs of chronic illness are overwhelming the healthcare system—so many people…
$20 Billion in Vaccine Injury
Compensation in 2019 – So Far!
Vaccine injury compensation: how much??? If you’re following vaccine injury compensation, you may have seen the headline that appeared in the Vaccine Impact report: September Government Report Shows $206 Million Paid so far in 2019 for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths. https://vaccineimpact.com/2019/september-government-report-shows-206-million-paid-so-far-in-2019-for-vaccine-injuries-and-deaths/ The Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV—a committee of the US Department of Health…
Pertussis Vaccine aka Whooping Cough Vaccine
Pertussis vaccine: crib death (SIDS) and brain damage? Reports of death and brain damage from the pertussis vaccine (the P in the DPT/TDaP shot) appeared in medical journals right after the shot began to be used. In 1933, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a paper describing two babies that died a few hours…
The Allergies and Asthma Explosion: Cause and Cure: Part 2
This weekend my brother and his family were visiting. My nephew has a severe cat allergy. They were going to have to leave early because my nephew was reacting to my daughter’s cat. He was stuffed up and had swollen red eyes. I used the KST allergy protocol. He cleared up immediately and was fine for…
The Allergies and Asthma Explosion: Cause and Cure: Part 1
Allergies and asthma: from rare to epidemic. Why? When I was a kid, allergies — the overreaction to a food, cats or other things — were rare. I’d sometimes hear about someone who was allergic to strawberries or had “hay fever.” Remember when stewardesses (flight attendants) gave out peanuts on airplanes? Now they don’t; someone…