Koren Wellness Articles

What Can We Learn From a 106-Year-Old?

August 4, 2021 | 1 Comment

She Might Have Some Things to Teach Us Michael, my chiropractic college roommate, died of cancer two years after graduation. He was 36. Another classmate, Christine, died of cancer a few years after graduation. She was 28. Since then, I’ve watched other classmates, chiropractors and others suffer and die from cancer, stroke, heart disease ……

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Tedd Koren Stoned In Indiana

July 5, 2021 | 0 Comments

Yes, I was stoned. No kidding. Heading east, we were minding our business speeding along on I-70 in Indiana. We had driven to Las Vegas to give a KST seminar and then to Burbank, California to speak at Chiropractic Rocks. We were returning home after many days of driving. Take a drive through America one…

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Tedd Koren in Shoot-Out!

June 28, 2021 | 8 Comments

This is not a joke; I was in a shoot-out in Dodge City, Kansas. OK, there were blanks in the guns. But it was very loud. We were at the Boot Hill Museum in Dodge City where we learned all about cowboys, Indians, covered wagons, buffalo, cattle, gunfighters and the lawmen sent to bring peace…

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Covid Killed the Chiropractic Profession

January 28, 2021 | 17 Comments

What has happened to the chiropractic profession? Our schools? Our organizations? Why are they swallowing the medical model hook, line and sinker without a peep of protest? I received a newsletter from Sherman College, supposedly one of the last bastions of chiropractic’s vitalistic, hygienic philosophy. There are photos of students wearing masks in their clinic!…

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CDC Autism and Vaccines Study

  or “There’s nothing to be concerned with – everyone go back to sleep” Autism and vaccines There’s a reason a scientist at a vaccine conference referred to the CDC as the “Centers for Disinformation Control.” They continue to spend taxpayers’ money spewing forth poorly written, biased, “junk science” studies that, through their connections, are placed…

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Like a Fish to Water: The Power of KST

Here are some examples of the power of KST. Enjoy the stories. Fish to water I had a patient say to me: “Something just told me to come here.” She had never heard of us, but her other chiropractor was out of town and uses…um, well, let’s just say a “lesser” technique (her words). She…

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pregnancy and flu vaccination

Pregnancy and Flu Vaccination

Pregnant women high priority for flu vaccine Pregnancy and flu vaccination: Pregnant women are now being listed as a high priority for swine flu vaccine. Yet the product inserts so far from the package inserts state the disclaimer: “Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with influenza virus vaccine. It is also not known whether influenza…

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Vaccine debate

It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. – Voltaire, French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 – 1778)   Quackbuster in training?  “You are misleading your readers, and are doing a disservice to the community.” Is it right to criticize childhood vaccination?  Over the years Koren Publications’ chiropractic patient education materials have…

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There are only two chiropractic techniques

There are only two chiropractic techniques. “What? You ask, aren’t there nearly one hundred?” Well, yes – there are many “named” techniques or methods of locating and/or correcting subluxations – but if we consider the philosophy behind techniques we will discover that they all fall into one of two philosophical categories. All techniques are either…

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KST videos

Happy New Year. This will be a great year – it’ll be a steady, gradual, ever upward kind of year in which we’ll get wise and stronger. I feel it. Of course if you’re a Mayan you may be a little nervous since the Mayan calendar supposedly says the world will come to an end…

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Fixing Disc Problems – It’s easier than you think

He was scheduled for back surgery. The pain was getting worse and worse; he was barely able to stand or walk and was desperate. A friend told him to see me. I was his last resort. I was also the fifth chiropractor he has been to. He didn’t think I could help him but was…

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It’s flu shot season – wait a minute!

It’s flu shot season – wait a minute! Drug stores and pharmacies are covered with signs offering flu shots. But before you, your relatives or friends submit to getting injected with toxins and bizarre poisonous chemicals you should know a few things about this year’s flu shot. First of all, the manufacturer has admitted that…

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I’m reading one of the magazines that comes to our home (It was either Preservation or Smithsonian) and I saw this very pretty ad for CRESTOR: When it comes to bad cholesterol – Ask Your Doctor If Lower Is Better (as if he’ll know). OK, I added the words in parenthesis. I once asked one…

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amish in a buggy

An Amish Story

Nearly 200 years ago, the Amish emigrated from Switzerland and Southern Germany to the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area. As with many others drawn to the “Golden Land,” in America they found freedom from persecution, tolerance for their pacifism and religious beliefs, and opportunity. With an average number of seven children per household, there just wasn’t enough…

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