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thumb sucking and head banging

Head Banging, Thumb Sucking and Toe Walking

Head banging, thumb sucking and toe walking concern many parents Are head banging, thumb sucking and toe walking serious issues? An article in American Family Physician describes the following: A young boy, 2½ years of age.… From the time the child was 12 months old, every night, he sat up in bed and repetitively banged his…

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PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD: a plethora of symptoms Flashbacks, being haunted by uncomfortable dreams and thoughts, a racing heart, tightness in the chest, mood swings—these are only some of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. As the name implies, PTSD develops after someone has experienced a trauma be it physical, sexual or emotional assault that filled…

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chronic illness

Chronic Illness: Allergies, Dyslexia,
Addictions and Weight Loss

“A whack on the side of the head, a kick in the seat of your pants.” Over half of all Americans suffer from a chronic illness; people are suffering all the time with illnesses that never go away (that’s a definition of chronic). The costs of chronic illness are overwhelming the healthcare system—so many people…

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sharing healing secrets

Healing Secrets: Five Ancient Ones Most Healers Don’t Use

I’m revealing these healing secrets because … Much of modern medicine is expensive, ineffective, unnecessary, dangerous and suppressive (drives symptoms and stresses deeper). Those are some of the reasons why natural healing is gaining in popularity—it is safer, less expensive, more effective, and expressive (lets the body release its stresses and symptoms). Illich I. Medical…

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posture of subluxation?

The Posture of Subluxation or Stress

The Posture of Subluxation or Stress: A breakthrough discovery for chiropractic and many other healing arts Nothing comes from nothing; we are all standing on the shoulders of giants. A brilliant, yet unsung hero of the chiropractic profession was Dr. Lowell Ward of Long Beach, California. I am honored to have known him and consider…

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girls without allergies

The Allergies and Asthma Explosion: Cause and Cure: Part 2

This weekend my brother and his family were visiting. My nephew has a severe cat allergy. They were going to have to leave early because my nephew was reacting to my daughter’s cat. He was stuffed up and had swollen red eyes. I used the KST allergy protocol. He cleared up immediately and was fine for…

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