In Brick, NJ

We’re n Brick, NJ today. Brick is famous because it has more autistic kids than anywhere in the US.

The CDC (centers for disinformation control) came over and held a big town meeting to discuss their research.

The government officials said, “We tested the water, we tested the soil, we tested the air.  We looked for chemical dumps.  Nothing was overlooked.”

Someone in the audience said, “Did you look in the kids blood??”

The gov’t official said, “There wasn’t any reason to look there.”

Reminds me of that old Persian story – Late at night a man is on his hands and knees look for his keys. A friend comes up to him to help. “Where did you last see them?” he asked,

“Over there, down that dark alley.”

“Why don’t you look there?”

“Because there’s more light here.”

The government refuses to look in the “dark alley” of vaccinations as the cause of autism because they are afraid of what they will find.


  1. Avatar McLean on August 27, 2009 at 1:47 pm

    Dear Dr. Koren,

    I have heard that 50% of the general practitioners income has to do with vaccinations. Unfortunately, even though we use the slogan “say no to drugs”, the reality is that much of medicine today is just legalized drug dealing. I appreciate all the effort that you put towards educating all of us. Keep up the good work.

    Dr Stephen McLean
    Ann Arbor, Michigan

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