Koren Wellness Articles
Funny Friday!
How to deal with women – as if I know anything. However I was looking at some words of wisdom and found a few quotes that I wish I had learned when I was younger. For example: “Don’t tell a woman she’s pretty; tell her there’s no other woman like her, and all roads will open to…
Swine Flu- So it’s not so bad now?
(Koren Publications’ Myth-Busting Swine Flu Report written by Tedd Koren DC, discusses more swine flu issues. Click here for this brand new product.) No one can accurately predict the future of course and it’s human nature to have fear of the unknown. When we are told “something terrible is coming” but people we are supposed…
Flu Trackers or Fluke Trackers?
The article in the Washington Post reads: Flu Trackers Encourage Patients to Blog About It (Washington Post. Wednesday, September 2, 2009) begins like this: “Think you have the flu? In some places, you can now go directly to the Internet and report your symptoms to officials eager to spot outbreaks.” Why should this worry me? Let…
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and KST
The following is a letter we recently received about the amazing results of Koren Specific Technique on a very sensitive issue that confronts many men, erectile dysfunction: I am a chiropractor who went thru a pretty nasty divorce a few years ago. Since then I’ve had a roller coaster ride with being able to obtain/maintain…
Political Healthcare
“WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama says that while swine flu vaccine will be voluntary, the government will “strongly recommend” that people get it.” Remember when politics and medical stuff was separate? I don’t.
A Pox On My House
We went to a chicken pox party a few weeks ago. This is how it works: someone’s child has chicken pox and they invite people to bring their kids. The idea is for the children to get it now instead of when they’re older and the disease can be much more uncomfortable and dangerous. We…
Tedd Koren DC: KST Case Of The Week
Every day the Koren Specific Technique Forum gets wonderful stories about doctors’ experiences with KST. This one was recently posted by Dr. Mark Lynch who practices in the wilds of New Jersey. Please note that Dr. Lynch appreciates that it’s not just knowing what to adjust or correct, but the order that the subluxations need…
South Hemisphere Swine Flu
This just in – so the Southern Hemisphere did not experience great numbers of deaths from the swine flu. As expected it was mild in most peple. Why would we think the Northern Hemisphere should have any different experience? Another question – we must ask how the young people who died were treated. Were the…
War On Cancer A Failure
The war against cancer is a failure. You can’t fight disease successfully if you don’t know what health is about. Disease doesn’t exist in a vacuum. This article from the NY Times describes the 40 year waste of trillions of dollars and so many deaths. Read more here.