Painless Vaccination Patch

Check it out: vaccines are going to be pain-free with this new painless vaccination patch delivered to your door:

Painless vaccination needles

It’s just a tiny little thing that’s “almost painless” to vaccinate you “better” than a standard needle. Cost? “As inexpensive as standard needles” said their “science” correspondent who obviously doesn’t know what vaccines cost.

I never had any trouble with my kids and the pain of needles – because they never got any.

Yes, let’s talk about cost. The US government will give you $250,000 if your child dies from a vaccine. Of course when it comes to cost they never figure the nearly $2 billion that has so far been paid to the families of vaccine-injured or killed children. And let’s not forget that most of the cases brought against the government from vaccine-injured children are thrown out because the pharmaceutical companies helped write the rules on whether a child’s condition was caused by a vaccine. I have no doubt that the $2 billion price tag can easily double.

But that’s ok, since the new vaccines are “almost painless.”  Tell that to the pain a family must endure when they have an autistic child. Let’s also figure in the nearly 80% divorce rate of families with autistic children. How about that pain and cost? It’s not even figured in.

Let’s also not include the cost of all those doctor visits and prescriptions for ear infections, allergies, asthma, ADD, etc.  The cost?  “As inexpensive as standard needles.” But what a cost those standard needles cost.

PS. I notice that their “science correspondent” didn’t try it on himself.


  1. Avatar rob on November 12, 2011 at 10:23 am

    great post

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