Swine Flu- So it’s not so bad now?

(Koren Publications’ Myth-Busting Swine Flu Report written by Tedd Koren DC, discusses more swine flu issues. Click here for this brand new product.)

No one can accurately predict the future of course and it’s human nature to have fear of the unknown.  When we are told “something terrible is coming” but people we are supposed to trust – scientists, medical professionals, politicians –  we get concerned.  These same people can use their trust to manipulate us.  Is this happening now?

Look at this Late breaking report below.

Swine flu will not be a pandemic this winter, say virologists

Swine flu will not cause a pandemic this winter, and it won’t mutate into a terrible superbug, despite what our health officials and the World Health Organization tell us.

Even so, swine flu will be easy to catch, say researchers from the University of Maryland, who have carried out tests on three different viruses, including the H1N1 responsible for swine flu.

The H1N1 virus doesn’t interact with other viruses and won’t cause a superbug, says virologist Daniel Perez.  But because it’s a new virus, it’s very infectious and people haven’t yet been able to build a natural immunity against it. (Source: PLOS Currents, 2009; published online ahead of print: August 25).

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