Tedd Koren DC On Chiropractic and Spinal Research

Spinal bifida. A 31-year-old female with spina bifida had multiple symptoms such as muscle spasms, poor bladder control, recurrent bladder infection, swollen cervical lymph nodes, and possible immunosuppression.

After 5 years of chiropractic care, her bladder has been infection free for more than a year; bladder control has improved and leg spasms have decreased in frequency and severity. Menstrual cramping is reduced.

Thomas RJ, Wilkinson RR.Chiropractic care in adult spina bifida: a case report. Chiropractic Technique. 1990;2:191-193.

Frozen shoulder. A 43-year-old woman suffered from neck pain radiating into the left shoulder, and pain and muscle weakness of the left arm. The problem began 20 years ago with the birth of her first child. She also suffered from headaches for the past 8-10 years. Immediately after the first adjustment her left hand doubled in grip strength. After one month of care she was “much better” with full range of motion of the left shoulder regained. Within 6 weeks the shoulder and arm pain had completely resolved with a 400% increase in left hand grip strength and a 100% increase in right hand grip strength. A one-year follow-up showed continued resolution.

Freeley KM. Conservative chiropractic care of frozen shoulder syndrome: a case study. Chiropr Res J. 1992;2(2):31-37.

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