Tedd Koren DC shares his views in the following blog. Tedd Koren DC is founder of Koren Publications and Koren Specific technique
Chiropractic doesn’t need fanaticism, chiropractic doesn’t need gimics, chiropractic doesn’t need dogma masquerading as philosophy and chiropractic doesn’t need medicine.
We don’t need medicine’s approval, permission or their misguided suppressive, Mechanistic philosophy and belief system.
Chiropractic’s expressive, Empirical (vitalistic) philosophy is far superior to medical thought and is far more effective in helping patients.
We don’t need students in chiropractic college confused about their philosophy, but we have that. We have students who don’t know what they can do for patients. We have students who don’t know whether or not to vaccinate their children, don’t know about natural childbirth, the subluxation and their place in the world as chiropractors.
If we are to be a light amongst the confused we need to have schools that give students the big picture, the big idea, as BJ used to say. To heal our professional schism we must understand the roots of the philosophy, art and science DD Palmer taught and let that guide our practice.
What chiropractic does need is to get sick people well, no matter what the condition, and keep them in tune with their innate expression, as much as possible.

Dr. Tedd Koren
Dr. Koren, originally from Brooklyn, NY, lives in Montgomery County, PA. A graduate of the U of Miami and Sherman College of Chiropractic, he writes, lectures and teaches in the US, Europe and Australia as well as takes care of patients and fights for healthcare freedom. Dr. Koren and his wife Beth have two children.
Well said!
What we need is more chiropractors/healers like Dr. Koren that stand up and and fight against the forces in our profession that try to degenerate our beautiful healing art into yet another form of physical therapy. Our profession is in great danger. Look what happened to the Osteopaths in the US. Ones a vitalistic healing profession that worked with their hands only, no drugs, no surgery. They wanted to be recognized by Allopathy and bit by bit sold out their believes. Now they are just a special form of MD somewhere between Neurosurgeon and orthopedist.
If we don´t watch out and protect the roots our healing art is based on, the same will happen to chiropractic. It pretty much did already in europe and as I hear some colleges in the US are heading the same way. If the head of the WFC calls chiropractic a musculosceletal therapy it is time to stand up. If we don´t remember what we are really trying to do we are going to be absorbt by Allopathy.
We need to educate people about real health, about the powers of their own bodys, the power of nature. We need to tell them that health is in their hands.
We need more courageous people that stand up.
Thank you Dr. Koren!
Well put Tend and kudos for KST.
I aggree entirely – see my blog:
Tedd, I totally agree! Chiropractic embraces the vitalistic philosophy in allowing the body to heal. Thank you for your blog and in educating both chiropractors and patients on the importance of “expressive” healing! I’m looking forward to reading many more blogs!!
Well in this part of the World, Malaysia, which is a progressive country and one with a lot of potential, there may not be as many closed minds as in other parts. We have very good relations with highly skilled Medical Physicians and Surgeons and indeed practice in conjunction with some. I do believe that Malaysia is just about to become the focus for Chiropractic Education in South East Asia, as the International Medical University, Malaysia has had it’s Chiropractic Course approved by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency and the Higher Education Authority.
The first intake of students will commence their studies in February of 2010. So, for all of those health professionals in this region who would like their sons and daughters to pursue a worthwhile career in serving the health needs of their countrymen and women, or for ANY Mum, Dad, Grand-Father or Grand-Mother who is interested in natural health care, here is the first announcement of the availability of the latest Chiropractic educational programme in the world. Just look up the International Medical University of Malaysia on the internet, at http://www.imu.edu.my Within the current IMU write up on Chiropractic under “Job Prospects” you will read “There is an acute shortage of Chiropractors in Malaysia. in fact there are only about 30 practitioners serving the entire population. in contrast, Australia has about 3,500 Chiropractors and the united States has 60,000” There are many countries in South East Asia with even less qualified Chiropractors and the IMU will be looking to overcome this great shortage of well educated and competent practitioners,
So forget those who would hold the Chiropractic profession back and support those who have such confidence in our profession as to provide a great educational opportunity to young men and women in this exciting region of this world.
Thank you Dr Koren for providing this vehicle to put Good News out to all of your many readers.
Thanks for this clear statement of what Chiropractic actually needs!!!
The Students seem to be coming out not realizing the Power God installed in the body!!!
They also need to understand the amazing skills they come out of school with that can
touch people’s Lives in ways they will soon come to know!!!
Amen to that !!
Stephen Barrett, MD :{
The balance in Europe is tipping back towards subluxation based chiropractic finally. Principled chiros are going into the colleges to talk to the students – it’s great to see the response – like putting dying fish back into the water. Chiro in the UK is coming under sustained attack. This is a great sign , first they ignore, then they attack and finally they will accept.
I agree! Let’s focus on getting sick people well. Let’s bring the masses to the most effective form of health care ever. Let’s introduce the world to KST and change even more lives than we ever thought possible!
Dr Tedd,
Thanks for this blog post and all that you do! The more we can focus on chiropractic’s vitalistic philosophy and helping chiropractors THRIVE in a TRUE wellness model, one that has congruent communications in a Care vs. Scare model the better! I’d love your reading and comments to my blog at http://blog.rosencoaching.com! Let’s change the world!
I know you are aiming to do that with KST and both Dr. Russ Rosen and I are looking forward to your San Francisco seminar in September!
It is such a simple yet profound concept! When I coach doctors we clarify what it is that they REALLY do. From my perspective we empower people to get healthy and stay healthy for a lifetime so they can have the best lives possible.
How do we do that? We remove or reduce the subluxations and show them ways to quit recreating the same problems over and over again.
What happens if we don’t do that for them? That is not good.
What happens if we do that for them? They can not only feel better, prevent problems in the future, reverse the affects of the aging process and have a better life!
Clearly when they have subluxations they have a health problem not a back problem and we can help them get healthy and stay healthy for a lifetime!
From my perspective that is our “Product”. We empower people to get healthy and stay healthy.
There is no question KST can deliver the goods. Now we just have to get docs to be able to help their patients REALLY understand what is going on with them and REALLY understand what we do. It is amazing how when we do that they patients REALLY do want what we offer.
Keep on it Tedd. The truth is on our side!
Much love and aloha,
Since I attended my first KST seminar, nearly two years ago, I have witnessed an exponential improvement in the accuracy and precision of my chiropractic diagnosis. I frame the sentence that way because our profession values an evidence-based mode in the application of all treatment modalities and it should. The incredible thing about KST is the way the doctor can double check his or her findings against another technique. For example, if the Thompson method indicates a negative Derifield a practitioner can see if that really exists using KST protocols. Hence the contention that KST is essentially more than a “technique” but a system of diagnosis, self- checking, and rechecking. This is completely in line with the evidence-based mode of procedure as it relates to theapeutic application and outcome assessment.
That this language sounds less “subluxation-based” and more “scientifically-based” may bruise some, but it happens to be the standard of treatment taught in chirpractic colleges at this time. KST, in my opinion, fits in beautifully.
Our world needs more Chiropractors like Tedd Koren. Thankyou Tedd for all that you’ve done !! Keep fighting, we’ll help you !
Every body is entitle to an opinion and I have learnt over the years anyone can criticise But I have always found that the people who can’t do are always trying to interrupt the people who can do! Well done with KST it is a move forward in health care around the world.
Dr Tedd
thank you for your insights. as dr John Hoffman told us life grads 28 years ago. go into the woods and sit on a stump while repeating.. the power that made the body heals the body. and dont come out till it owns you. this is THE BIG PICTURE!! chiropractic is and always should be an autonomous profession. D.D. knew that health was an aberation of tone and to restore health we must align spirit with the body….energy with mass. we must be the new leaders in this millenium for Chiropractic. most of the old masters have passed and we, the benifactors of their sacrifices have grown lazy and complacent. but now the wolf is knocking at the door and it is each and every one of us that needs to stand up with the integrity that knowing the truth brings. only then can we break the shackles of this suppressive health care system that holds us hostage.
Leroy White D.C.
White Chiropractic Health Center
Framingham Ma.