I’m revealing these healing secrets because …
Much of modern medicine is expensive, ineffective, unnecessary, dangerous and suppressive (drives symptoms and stresses deeper). Those are some of the reasons why natural healing is gaining in popularity—it is safer, less expensive, more effective, and expressive (lets the body release its stresses and symptoms).
Illich I. Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health. NY: Bantam Books, 1976.
O’Keefe M, Coat S. Increasing health-care options: the perspectives of parents who use complementary and alternative medicines. J Paediatr Child Health. 2010;46(6):296-300.
Coulter HL. Divided Legacy (Vol. 4). Washington, DC: Center for Empirical Medicine, 1994.
Interest in “alternative” or empirical (vitalistic) healing arts is growing. These include chiropractic, homeopathy, Chinese medicine, herbology, CranioSacral Therapy, prayer, Ayurvedic healing, massage therapy, aromatherapy, essential oils, bodywork, reflexology, Reiki and so many other approaches. And as interest continues to grow, forgotten healing secrets, very often thousands of years old, are revealed.
Frass M, Strassi RP, Friehs H et al. Use and acceptance of complementary and alternative medicine among the general population and medical personnel: a systematic review. Oschner Journal. 2012 Spring;12(1):45-56.
In this article, I am going to reveal five ancient secrets that can be applied by any alternative/vitalistic as well as conventional practitioners that will make their healing art more effective, safer and less stressful. Here they are:
- Recognizing the wisdom of the body
- Accessing the innate wisdom of the body
- Trusting your “gut”
- Putting people in the best posture
- Giving the body time to integrate, unwind and heal
Healing secrets #1: Recognizing the wisdom of the body
Since time immemorial all healers have acknowledged that we have a powerful innate (inborn) wisdom running our body, continuously trying to guide us, heal us and keep us whole, safe and functioning at our utmost.
To this day nearly all health practitioners claim to respect the “wisdom of the body”—on paper! That’s not enough. Practitioners need to do more. They can access this wisdom to help their patients. Most practitioners have no idea how much more comfortable, enjoyable, safe and effective patient care becomes when adding this powerful force—the wisdom of the body—to one’s practice.
Is it really possible to use the wisdom of the body? This is a question DD Palmer, the discoverer of chiropractic, was cognizant of when he stated:
When Innate and Educated Intelligence are able to converse with each other … we shall be able to make a correct diagnosis.
Palmer DD. The Moral and Religious Duty of a Chiropractor. 1914.
In other words, when our human intellect can communicate with the innate or inborn wisdom of the body, we’ll truly know what the patient will benefit from to enhance healing.
Healing secrets #2: Accessing the innate wisdom of the body
Dr. Palmer would be impressed with the growing awareness of the importance of accessing the innate wisdom of the body and the tools available today to do so (to “converse”). The tools can tell us what is wrong with the patient and what intervention is needed. What are they?
Another way of asking
Students are taught various procedures and techniques from a purely “educated” intellectual approach in school. That learning is important of course, but there’s another form of learning that is far more powerful than intellect alone that is rarely taught: holistic knowing that merges both sides of our brain—our intellectual, linear logical side and our supra-intellectual, non-linear intuitive side.
Adding this type of learning doesn’t make us anti-intellectual, on the contrary, it frees our intellect from the boundaries of limited worldview many schools fall into.
Physicists and philosophers

Emanuel Swedenborg
Some physicists refer to this as accessing the “information field” or the “zero-point field.” In the 18th and 19th centuries, one of the most influential scientists of that period, Emanuel Swedenborg, claimed to be able to access the information field directly. For example, his anatomical discoveries were verified by 21st-century imaging techniques—he was on to something. He also discussed how others could develop this ability.
Fuller DB. Osteopathy and Swedenborg. Bryn Athyn, PA: Swedenborg Scientific Association Press, 2012.
Mortenson J. The fall and rise of resonance science. Materials Science and Technology. Oct. 17-21, 2010;2864-2875.
McTaggart L. The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 2001.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe
In his article “Native Wisdom in a Quantum World,” Parry quotes “The Science of Goethe” by Kevin Feinstein:
In the wake of the Newtonian revolution, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) dared to propose a different sort of science that was – like these shamanistic traditions – holistic, participatory, and qualitative. Although historically known for his poetry and prose, Goethe was alarmed that mechanistic science was encroaching into the realm of living systems. He felt that Reductionistic, analytical thinking, when applied to biology and related disciplines, was inapplicable at best and dangerous at worst.
Goethe spoke of opening up or growing new ‘organs of perception’… which would expand our understandings of the world into an integrated whole Goethean science is therefore also a spiritual path, an integration of science and art, a science of quality and of wholeness, the development of a science of compassion. So Goethe’s approach to science is a form of phenomenology. It seeks an understanding of processes by delving into the phenomenon experientially.
Parry GA. Native wisdom in a quantum world. Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness. December 2005-February 2006:9:29-33.
Rudolf Steiner, a student of Goethe (and developer of such diverse fields as biodynamic farming, Waldorf education and Anthroposophic Medicine [AM], philosophy, economics and architecture), referred to this way of gathering information as “extra sensorial perception.”
Lachman G. Rudolf Steiner: An Introduction to His Life and Work. NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2007.
We all have this ability
Nearly everyone has experienced a “gut” feeling that when followed led them to success and conversely when not followed was met by regret (i.e. “Why didn’t I follow my hunch?”). As Lester Levinson, developer of the Sedona Method stated, “Intuition is only right 100% of the time.”
Dwoskin H. The Sedona Method. Sedona, AZ: Sedona Press, 2010.
A specialized use of this ability in healthcare is referred to as “medical intuition.” Medical intuitives are often traditionally trained yet discover (or uncover) their abilities when working in clinical settings. Testing with modern diagnostic tools often reveals surprising accuracy—often greater than with standard instruments alone.
Shealy CN. Medical Intuition: Your Awakening to Wholeness. Virginia Beach, VA: 4th Dimension Press, 2010.
Schulz ML. Awakening Intuition: Using Your Mind-Body Network for Insight and Healing. NY: Three Rivers Press, 1998.
This is of course nothing new; priests, shamans, healers and doctors from all cultures and for thousands of years (and more recently the US Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]) use these methods.
Morehouse D. Psychic Warrior: Inside the CIA’s Stargate Program: The True Story of a Soldier’s Espionage and Awakening. NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1996.
McTaggart L. The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 2001.
Healing secrets #3: Trusting your “gut”
How can you learn to develop this ability? How can you become more aware of and trusting of your subjective “gut” feelings, visceral sensations and hunches? Thankfully, one of the most powerful healing secrets is using tools to help you objectify your subjective awareness. We call these tools binary biofeedback devices (or mechanisms). Why?
- Binary, because you get a “yes or no.”
- Biofeedback, because you are responding to your nervous system.
- Device, mechanism or tool because they can be objectively demonstrated.
Our bodies are full of such devices—we are filled with internal lie detectors that help us become more aware of subtle changes in our nervous system. Joseph Chilton Pearce commented on one scientist’s experience:
Albert Einstein … would feel a sudden muscular twinge, an internal visceral sensation that signaled into an illumination some vast universal principle. It then took some doing for the necessary translation of this bodily sensation into linguistic [mathematical] form.
Pearce JC. Magical Child. NY: Bantam New Age Books;1980.
The mechanism is not perfectly understood. Einstein himself commented on one binary biofeedback device, dowsing:
I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as a type of superstition…. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.
Letter to Mr. Herman E. Peisach, February 15, 1946 https://www.mail-archive.com/meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com/msg91161.html
We have many tools …
Many tools, such as dowsing and pendulums, are ancient and universal. Modern tools include muscle testing (used in applied kinesiology), the short leg reflex (used by DNFT™ and Activator™ techniques), still point (used in CranioSacral Therapy™), the occipital drop (used in Koren Specific Technique™), skin resistance (used by Toftness™ technique), the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test™ (discovered by Yoshiaki Omura, M.D., Sc. D.) as well as many others.
By using these tools, you will learn to trust your nervous system. Trust grows with experience. When you experience your first “miracle” your confidence begins to grow. Ric Wiegand, DC in his article “Clinical Certainty and Interoception” writes:
When practitioners develop an awareness … they become able to perceive more of the feedback information their nervous system produces.
Wiegand R. Clinical certainty and interoception. The American Chiropractor. 2019;41(5):20-24.
Learning to use binary biofeedback is not an intellectual experience. It’s like learning to ride a bicycle. You can’t do it by reading a book—you’ve got to physically experience it to master it.
We are all unique artists
Everyone is wired a little differently; subtle changes in one’s nervous system are experienced in unique ways. Some report feeling a muscular twinge in various parts of their body (a la Einstein), others describe a “knowing sense,” others a literal “gut” feeling, or internal “tightening,” some see “yes” and “no” or a symbol in their mind’s eye, while some hear “yes” or “no” in their mind’s ear. This way of picking up information is as unique as there are people on earth.
Learning binary biofeedback is similar to playing a musical instrument: first you learn the basics and, once mastered, you improvise and make it your own.
Not everyone learns to access their subtle knowing in the same way or in the same amount of time. In my classes some “get it” immediately, some take a little time, some take a longer time. I took a week of practice on every patient before I got it. The only sin in learning this is giving up.
We all have the ability to perceive subtle nervous system differences; it came “factory installed.” It’s something you always have. It just needs to be acknowledged and used. This ability is not something that is developed as much as it’s something you discover.
Healing secrets #4: Putting people in the best posture
While using binary biofeedback devices we were led to some interesting discoveries. For example, physical, physiological and emotional stresses, blockages, damage, dysfunction, stagnation, subluxations and interferences are posture-specific. That means some stresses only reveal themselves when a person is in a certain posture.
Too many doctors and healers are suffering from the “tyranny of the table” and limit their ministrations to people lying up or down. But who gets hurt lying on a table? Most people become stressed, subluxated, hurt, dis-eased or otherwise damaged when they are playing, running, falling, driving, standing, bending, twisting, turning or otherwise experiencing life’s insults.
We were surprised to discover that patients we “cleared out” in one posture revealed significant blockages (emotional as well as physical) when placed in other postures.
More than physical
Posture is more than a physical position—an emotionally painful thought or memory may drastically change a person’s body (i.e. nervous system). We call this “emotional posture” and it is especially useful when dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder, childhood traumas, divorce, loss or any other significant emotional stress, no matter how long ago it may have happened. Working on the body in these emotional postures can and does give the person more nervous system adaptability to both past stress and future events.
How do you discover the best posture? By using binary biofeedback, you can “ask” the patient’s body. For example, have the patient sit, stand, walk, bend over, make the motion to throw a baseball, kick a football, swing a golf club, lift weights, turn a doorknob, drive a car, hold a baby, think about someone or an event or do any of the multitude of activities that make up their day-to-day life and see if it elicits a stress response. Correct in that posture.
You can place the patient in the ‘’emotional posture’’ by asking them to think about and re-experience a traumatic emotion. Correct in that posture.
Healing secrets #5: Giving the body time to integrate, unwind and heal
Everything any healthcare provider does is an intervention. The intervention may be a vitamin, a food, water, a drug, surgery, a vaccination, an adjustment, a manipulation, a homeopathic remedy, an herb, an essential oil, acupuncture, energy healing or anything else because every intervention does the same thing: introduces force, energy and information to the recipient’s body.
Once administered the patient/recipient’s body needs to figure out what to do with the intervention: accept it? resist it? integrate it? We can ask the body (using binary biofeedback) which intervention(s) are needed and in what order.
Sometimes the intervention takes an instant for processing to be completed and the body is immediately ready for more. At other times, the body needs a moment, many minutes or much longer. And sometimes the recipient needs to reboot (i.e. sleep on it).
By constantly “asking” we are able to determine when and how to intervene as well as when to stop our intervention. There are times when the best thing a healer can do is … nothing. Respect the body and allow it to perform its healing magic. When the body is “processing” don’t do anything—don’t overwhelm it. Remember, the music is also in the space between the notes. We are merely facilitators enabling the body in its miraculous, self-healing abilities.
In conclusion
After many years of personal suffering in my search for healing from a serious injury, and much trial and error, I “discovered” Koren Specific Technique (KST), a protocol that uses all these “healing secrets” to locate life’s hidden stresses. The journey of teaching KST has led to the discovery of more of these secrets. KST practitioners respect the innate wisdom of the body using binary biofeedback to locate and correct physical, emotional and physiological subluxations, stresses, blockages, toxicity, imbalances and other dysfunctions missed by most other healers.
Koren Specific Technique (KST), applicable to any healing art, is taught at live seminars as well as through a home study program and is best learned by many through a combination of both. Take advantage of reduced pricing and a number of bonuses with our Transformation, Prosperity and Freedom package. Questions? Call us at 267.498.0071 (US EST/EDT).
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Dr. Tedd Koren
Dr. Koren, originally from Brooklyn, NY, lives in Montgomery County, PA. A graduate of the U of Miami and Sherman College of Chiropractic, he writes, lectures and teaches in the US, Europe and Australia as well as takes care of patients and fights for healthcare freedom. Dr. Koren and his wife Beth have two children.
Fantastic information that should be required reading for all doctors!
This a brilliant article, well referenced and very informative.
An eye-opener for those who have not yet been able to understand!
I am planning on learning the KST technique and using it for myself and others. I am excited to explore, learn, grow, heal and share! Just working out all the logistics at this time. I am an Aromatherapist Instructor & practitioner & have also been a midwife, massage therapist, Calif. MFCC ( now called MFT’s), healer, intuitive counselor, and I live a natural life filled with life as meditation and awareness. This technique was utilized in a session I had with an alternative Chiro. on Maui many years ago and I had an instant and profound healing from it on multi-levels.
I have never forgotten that I wanted to learn this method when the time was right for me.
I trust my gut and feel that I am 90% there at this time. Exciting, stimulating and ready for the next steps.
There is so much we can learn, keep growing and keep sharing with clear intention, love, and compassion. Our world needs our participation at this time.
I live on Maui and in Hawaii, we have been experiencing many challenges that relate to the natural elements. Everywhere people need to learn to take better care of themselves naturally. I am fully committed to this for myself and for others! Mahalo! Looking forward…. :). Gaia