Posts Tagged ‘Thoracic Hump’
Tedd Koren DC Explains The Thoracic Hump
Do you have a hump? A hump? Where? In many people a hump or rounded protrusion develops where the neck meets your thoracic spine (upper back). Is it important? Yes, it could be very important. In the illustration on the left/top the woman’s head sits evenly over her shoulders; this is “normal” posture. In the…
Thoracic Hump
We’ve been receiving a lot of interest over here at Koren Enterprises about the thoracic hump. For those who are unfamiliar, the upper thoracic hump, related to heart, lung and thyroid problems. I’m happy to say that I’ve had many cases where issues with the thoracic hump can be fixed with KST – sometimes in…