Koren Wellness Articles

What Can We Learn From a 106-Year-Old?

August 4, 2021 | 1 Comment

She Might Have Some Things to Teach Us Michael, my chiropractic college roommate, died of cancer two years after graduation. He was 36. Another classmate, Christine, died of cancer a few years after graduation. She was 28. Since then, I’ve watched other classmates, chiropractors and others suffer and die from cancer, stroke, heart disease ……

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Tedd Koren Stoned In Indiana

July 5, 2021 | 0 Comments

Yes, I was stoned. No kidding. Heading east, we were minding our business speeding along on I-70 in Indiana. We had driven to Las Vegas to give a KST seminar and then to Burbank, California to speak at Chiropractic Rocks. We were returning home after many days of driving. Take a drive through America one…

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Tedd Koren in Shoot-Out!

June 28, 2021 | 8 Comments

This is not a joke; I was in a shoot-out in Dodge City, Kansas. OK, there were blanks in the guns. But it was very loud. We were at the Boot Hill Museum in Dodge City where we learned all about cowboys, Indians, covered wagons, buffalo, cattle, gunfighters and the lawmen sent to bring peace…

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Covid Killed the Chiropractic Profession

January 28, 2021 | 17 Comments

What has happened to the chiropractic profession? Our schools? Our organizations? Why are they swallowing the medical model hook, line and sinker without a peep of protest? I received a newsletter from Sherman College, supposedly one of the last bastions of chiropractic’s vitalistic, hygienic philosophy. There are photos of students wearing masks in their clinic!…

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subluxations with arms raised

Subluxations, the POS and Chinese Medicine

Playing with posture to find subluxations What’s in a posture? A world of difference. A massive amount of structural stress (subluxations) may occur when posture changes. As a person changes his posture, subluxations come and go. Put simply, subluxations are “state-specific.” To make things even more interesting, the posture or “state” may be physical, emotional or…

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allergy relief

Allergy Relief Using the POS with KST

Allergy relief can be easily and quickly obtained using a recently-discovered physiological phenomenon. Allergy relief question Who gets subluxated lying face down (or face up) on a table? Allergy relief answer Pretty much no one! Real-life scenarios In real life, most people get subluxated when they are active: playing sports, involved in accidents, running, jumping,…

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KST: Discovering What Most Doctors Miss

KST: a snapshot or a movie? What’s the difference between a snapshot and a movie? A snapshot records a moment frozen in time while a movie records a continuous flow of time. Here is a little personal story that shows how this relates to healthcare and KST. We were traveling from Philadelphia to Williamsburg, Virginia…

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The Coronavirus is Coming!

Coronavirus: Oh no! Head for the hills!  Is it coronavirus or deja vu? I’ll never forget the scene. A few years ago, I was in a hotel teaching a KST seminar and during a break I went into the lobby. I was attracted to the large screen TV with the latest breaking story. On the…

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Posture-Personality Correlations

Posture-personality correlations: emotional profiling As discussed in my previous post on spinal stress, posture reveals emotional stress as well as physical stress. Posture-personality correlations exist. My mentor, Dr. Lowell Ward, discovered that it was possible to accurately “read” a personality by analyzing a person’s posture. For example, a person with their head in front of…

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spinal stress

Spinal Stress: What It Can Tell You

Spinal stress: an accidental discovery The spinal stress story started in an unlikely place, in Middletown, Pennsylvania. After graduation, I worked for Monroe Schneier, DC in Middletown for a total of one week. I liked Dr. Schneier but didn’t like Middletown. Shortly after I left it was the site of a partial nuclear reactor meltdown…

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2019 top ten

2019 Top Ten

2019 Top Ten: Highlights of the Koren Wellness blog So many posts this year touched upon so many powerful and unique topics that it was difficult to pick only ten as the 2019 Top Ten. But I tried. Let me know what you think of my selection. Click on the post title to read the…

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weight loss needed

Weight Loss: Waiting for Poundage to Go

Longing for weight loss: are you fat? Oh my! That’s not a very politically polite thing to say, is it? Let’s rephrase that, are you pleasingly plump? A bit pudgy? Do more parts jiggle than you’d like? As Rodney Dangerfield once said, “Do you leave potholes when you jog? When you’re given a menu at…

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Gratitude: Count Your Blessings & Focus on the Positive

Gratitude and blessings Reflect on your present blessings, on which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. —Charles Dickens (M. Dickens, 1897, p. 45) How much of you is mind? How much of you is body? Yogi Berra once famously said, “Baseball is 90% mental and the other half…

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back pain

Back Pain: Learning the Lessons it Offers

For back pain: a natural alternative to the orthopedic surgeon, steroids and opioids A well-known chiropractor was suffering from back pain and disc pain, sacroiliac pain and searing pain going down his leg (sciatica). Some days he couldn’t walk more than ten feet before the intense pain forced him to stop and sit—even on busy…

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